Parish News
Confirmation Retreat
Last weekend, 26 youth participated in our Confirmation Retreat. Please pray for these students, their sponsors, and their families as they continue their preparation to…
Young Family Night, Jan. 16
A night to get together & meet other young families of the parish.
Men’s Breakfast, Jan. 18
Saturday, January 18, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. in the Holy Family Faith Center Our guest speaker will be Mike Ervin. His presentation will be on…
Servers’ Training
Welcome to the serving ministry! Altar Servers assist the celebrant during the Mass and other liturgical ceremonies. It is helpful if servers are detail-oriented and always…
Praying as a Family, Jan. 26
Family Faith Sundays, 12:20-2:00 PM
Join us for a meal, a time to gather as families, and a time to grow in faith together.
Join our Haiti Ministries, Jan. 26 at 12 PM
Please join us for our Haiti Ministries Meeting on January 26, at 12 Noon in St. John Bosco room (143). We are seeking new members!…
9 Days for Life Novena, Jan. 16-24
PRAY TO PROTECT HUMAN LIFE! 9 Days for Life is a novena for the protection of human life. Each day’s intention is accompanied by a short…
Diocesan Mass Commemorating the Anniversary of Roe v Wade, Jan. 22 (Diocese)
Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children, Jan. 22 The Diocese of Grand Rapids will observe a Day of Prayer for the…