Parish News

Men’s Breakfast, Feb. 15
Join us on Saturday, February 15, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. in the St. Charles Borromeo Room for Faith and Fellowship. Parishioner Steve Zachar will be…

Theology on Tap with Fr. Eugene Batungbacal, Feb. 27
Topic: Take the Plunge Towards a Deeper Spiritual Life
This talk invites you to embark on a profound journey within yourself. It encourages you to look deeply into your heart and reflect on what it truly means to fully immerse yourself in a relationship with God.

A Rosary for Haiti, March 4, 6:30 p.m.
A Rosary for Haiti will be said on Tuesday 3/4/24 at 6:30 PM in the Sanctuary followed by the 7:00 PM evening Mass. We will pray…

Sunday of the Word of God
Here are links to the resources that Fr. Dan referenced in his homily this weekend, and a couple that were not referenced but are also…

Servers’ Training
Welcome to the serving ministry! Altar Servers assist the celebrant during the Mass and other liturgical ceremonies. It is helpful if servers are detail-oriented and always…

2024 Year-End Statements
The parish office will issue year-end statements only upon request after January 31. Please contact our bookkeeper, Angie Cariano, at 616-223-4121 or by email.