Our parish app is available to download for iPhone and Android smart phones Stay connected with our parish throughout the week with instant notifications, an easy-to-access event calendar, and the ability to quickly reply to or share messages via Facebook or Twitter. Also enjoy a bunch of additional features like prayers, daily readings, helpful reminders to silence your phone before Mass or Confession, and much more.
We encourage parishioners to join one (or more!) of the many groups available on the app, to strengthen our parish community. We have a variety of groups available: Adult Faith Formation, Women & Men’s Ministries, Parish Family, Volunteer Opportunities, Middle & High School, and Young Adults, to name a few.
This app will help foster a stronger parish life at St. Patrick – St. Anthony by improving parish communication and serving as a faith building resource. It is a real asset to complement our daily faith lives.
We expect the features and capabilities of our new app to foster a stronger sense of community and faith in the daily lives of all parishioners. St. Patrick-St. Anthony leaders will be able to communicate quickly and easily with all parishioners via messages and notifications to keep you in the loop with what is going on in our church. You will then be able to reply to messages within the app.
Some features to look forward to:
- Daily Mass readings
- The latest Catholic news from around the world
- An easy-to-reference list of Catholic prayers with an option to send in a prayer request
- Confession reminder, “How To”, Examination of Conscience, and Act of Contrition
- Parish “groups” within the app where parishioners can communicate with each other
- and much more!

Please spread the word! The more people that use and participate, the stronger our Catholic community will become.
Contact Karen Levesque to answer any questions or comments.