Job Seeker
Program Coordinator
616-842-0001 ext. 132
Email Mark
Located in the Outreach Center of St. Patrick-St. Anthony Parish, the Job Seeker Program serves as a center for employment information and preparation. Trained staff are on hand to help you with any questions or concerns.
Mission Statement: To empower the unemployed and underemployed to better prepare for the job market.
Due to the generosity of others, there is no cost for those who utilize any services provided by the Job Seeker Program.
Office Hours: Tues, Wed, and Thurs 9:00 am – 2:00 pm.
Location: Outreach Center of St. Patrick – St. Anthony Church 920 Fulton Ave.
Front Desk Associate: 616-935-8748 E-mail: jobseeker@stpatsgh.org
The Job Seeker Program offers a plethora of services for its community members. These services include weekly employment information, one-on-one computer assistance, resume and cover letter guidance, seminars on employment readiness, and networking breakfasts where one can network and share upcoming events. Job Seeker also provides a mentor program that helps one navigate through the job search process. Due to the generosity of others, there is no cost for those who utilize any services provided by the Job Seeker Program.
Mentor Program
The job search can be difficult and stressful. We offer a mentor program coordinated to help you navigate your way through the many challenges that may come up when looking for Your Next Job. We can help you during your career transition; give you information on local resources and encourage you when things get tough—spending one on one time with you. If you are looking for the extra hand, appointments are arranged through the office.
Job Seeker Breakfast
Monthly networking breakfasts are hosted in the Outreach Center, typically the third Tuesday of the month, except the months of August and December when no breakfast is held. The community is invited to network, discuss their situations and share recent job search experiences in a comfortable and non-judgmental setting. Join us to hear about upcoming opportunities and learn more about the Job Seekers Program. Click on the News & Updates tab for information regarding dates and times.
Bethany Bricker
“I cannot say enough about The Job Seeker program at Saint Patrick – Saint Anthony Church in Grand Haven. It is a wonderful collaborative effort with West Michigan WORKS! They are extremely kind, highly qualified team that has a wealth of information and assistance to offer every walk of job seeker.
Mark Bancuk, the Program Coordinator, passionately introduces you to the program by conducting an on boarding interview in order to be able to assist you in finding a job in the field you are best suited for and you most desire. Mike Schulhoff, a former HR Director, is an expert resume builder who will gladly and patiently coach you through the on-line application process and offer sound advice regarding the interviewing process. Linda Karr specializes in designing resumes, cover letters, reference sheets and post interview letters that will help you be well received. She also generously offers job market preparation and professional interviewing skills. The lovely, Jeanne LaMourie is their social media administrator who shares her superb networking skills freely and openly, her encouragement and knowledge is priceless. Lori Zielinski, their warm hearted Receptionist keeps the office flowing and the job postings coming. She is always brainstorming and coordinating (as are they all) which candidates would be best suited for the newest job postings that are made available on a weekly basis. Their monthly Job Seekers Breakfast is a splendid Networking event where local business agents, recruiters, mentors and HR associates come together to meet and greet perspective employees in order to offer them their job openings while enjoying a scrumptious breakfast. It is beyond worthwhile!
The tireless efforts of the entire staff have helped so many people in our community gain employment that they should be given a medal! I am eternally grateful for the assistance they have given me. I have obtained a part-time job thus far and continue to use their advantageous services. I strongly recommend utilizing the Job Seeker Program. If you apply yourself, the experience will leave you uplifted and gainfully employed.”
Bethany Bricker
2020 U.S. Census
Field Supervisor
Kelsey Keur
“When I had first started searching for a new job I really wasn’t sure where to start. I was frustrated at my lack of progress in my job search but not really sure where to turn for resources. Then I was recommended to check out the Job Seeker program. Everyone who works in the program is very supportive and kind. From Linda Trainer who was the first person who greeted me when I entered the office, to Mark Bancuk who spent quite some time with me showing me how to maximize my job searching effectiveness and Linda Karr who helped me polish my resume. They are very good at what they do. Their insight and experience helped me to refine my job searching skills and boosted my confidence for my upcoming interviews. I can whole heartedly say that their help was instrumental in getting me ready for the interview that landed me my current job.
I was just officially hired into Leprino Foods after a brief period of being a temp worker. They were impressed by my professional resume and work ethic. I am now the Shipping Coordinator at their Allendale plant, and I can honestly say that this is not only the best job I have ever had but it is very well suited to my strengths as an employee.
I know how frustrating it is to apply for jobs only to be turned down or not hear back at all. All I can say is keep trying and, most importantly, use the resources and people here! Their networking breakfast is not only tasty but is frequented by recruiters and other people who can get your name out there.
Keep going and you will land the job you have always wanted!”
Kelsey Keur
Shipping Coordinator
Leprino Foods Company
Janet Coyle
“I had admired what the Job Seeker Program had done for others for many years and when I was no longer employed, I utilized their services to help me find my new job. Not only did they give me great resources for finding job opportunities, but they restructured my resume, which made my resume stand out. I was so impressed with the help they give to their clients, that I volunteered for job seekers while I was looking for my next job. This helped me keep my skills up and maintain a positive attitude. I have recommended them to others and will continue to do so.”
Janet Coyle
Mitchell Pressey
A friend had mentioned Job Seekers, Mark, his team and the service they provide. If you’re on the fence about going to Job Seekers …. GO! They are a great help! They helped me revamp my resume, and cover letter. They know what works, what doesn’t, and what is outdated. I love my resume format and how it highlights my skills. I got 100 percent response and interviews for the jobs I applied for. No, I didn’t get a job offer from each employer, but I was noticed, I stood out from the others! I am a firm believer in Job Seekers and the free service they provide to our community. If not for Mark and his team, I would not have landed my dream career.
Thank you Mark and Job Seekers team!
Mitchell Pressey
Drew Vugteveen
When I was introduced to Job seekers, I didn’t know what to expect. An acquaintance suggested I go check them out. He told me they have monthly breakfasts in which they explain their services, and there are usually some companies there who are looking to hire people.
The first time I attended a breakfast, I misunderstood the time that I should arrive, and my friend and I had to walk in after the meeting started. Right away the staff welcomed us and rushed over to see if we needed anything to drink or eat. This was probably the first meeting I ever went to where I forgot to turn off my phone. Sure enough, someone called, and the hard rock song I had for a ringtone blasted. Everyone laughed, but they were laughing with me, not at me. They really bend over to make job seekers feel welcome.
Most of the companies there were from manufacturing companies, and at the time I didn’t think I was interested in working for this type of company. I have physical limitations and was looking for some type of office work, and I was really hoping to find something working with computers.
When the meeting was over I made an appointment to work on my resume with Linda Karr. I was reluctant to have a person help me with my resume, because I thought I was good at writing resumes. I managed restaurants for fifteen years and saw a lot of resumes with all the people I interviewed. I also attended many human resources seminars that taught what to look for in a good resume, how to read between the lines, and how to avoid legal hiring issues. As soon as I sat down with Linda, I was happy that I decided to keep the appointment, because she did so many things to make my resume “pop”.
Linda also referred me to a program with Michigan Works, who also helped me.
Job seeker’s Program Coordinator, Mark Bancuk, pointed me in the direction of a job mentor, who really motivated me. Every time I went to Job Seeker’s to look at their job sheets Mark welcomed me, and even helped me with my transportation challenges.
There are many reasons I am in my dream job now. To name a few, a resume that got me noticed, mock interviews with all sorts of preparatory questions, and most important, networking. Driving the above was the real reason that I am in a job that I love: because I trusted God to take care of me. I interviewed at several companies that had positions I wanted. I didn’t feel qualified for those positions, so I applied for office positions hoping I would get noticed. None of those places hired me.
I took Job Seeker’s advice to start networking. I told everyone I knew that I was looking for work in an office setting, preferably working with computers. It took some time, but wouldn’t you know it, the person who told me their company might have something for me was a man who is my brother in Jesus Christ. Now I knew this friend worked in a factory that made furniture, but at this point I really needed something. I previously landed a job that was supposed to be full time in a retail store, but the hours were erratic, and certainly not full time.
The next day, the Human Resources manager from Interior Concepts called me. I was at my other job. As soon as we started talking there was a chemistry, and I knew it was what I wanted. We didn’t talk in depth as I was at my job and felt uncomfortable talking about another job while at my place of employment. The manager didn’t tell me exactly what they had in mind, but the questions he asked got my attention. Most of the questions were asking me about the types of software I knew. The main one he asked me about was AutoCAD. I never worked with AutoCAD, but I did some 3D modeling at Ferris State University on other Autodesk software that was very similar.
To make a long story short, the resume, the mock interviews, and advice on how to conduct myself in the interview gave me confidence to go into the interview feeling good about myself. When they offered me the job and told me I would be designing furniture on a computer…well, let’s just say I had a hard time keeping my composure because I was so happy. I have been in this job for a little over a month now, and it is better than I could have imagined.
Now I wake up in the mornings thrilled about the job I get to go to. When I first started, a friend asked me how I liked my new job, and I said, quite honestly, I can’t believe they pay me for this stuff.
I’m not saying everyone will get their dream job like I did. I am sure that if you work with the people at Job Seekers and follow their suggestions, you will increase the likelihood of getting a job. I am first thankful to God, for bringing all the people into my life that made it possible for me to find and land this job. I am also grateful to those people He brought into my life, and the kind, compassionate way that they nurtured me.
A big thank-you goes out from me to the staff at Job Seekers.
Drew Vugteveen