Who We Serve
Faith Formation serves elementary, middle and high school youth, adults and young adults in our parish and surrounding areas.
What We Do
The goal of Faith Formation is to form disciples of Jesus Christ, draw individuals into the life, mission, and work of the Church, and provide opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth and conversion to Jesus.
When & Where
Faith Formation opportunities are offered all year round, with a variety of days and times, depending on the age group. These opportunities take place in the parish building, youth center, and off parish grounds.
Why We Serve
“All the baptized, because they are called by God to maturity of faith, need, and therefore have a right, to adequate catechesis. It is thus a primary responsibility of the Church to respond to this in a fitting and satisfactory manner.”
General Directory of Catechesis, paragraph 167
It is through parish Faith Formation opportunities that we strive to carry out this responsibility, while also upholding our Pastoral Vision: “To INSPIRE every heart to KNOW, LOVE, and SERVE Jesus Christ!”