Mellan Hansen
Faith Formation
Administrative Assistant
(616) 935-8740
Email Mellan

Baptisms take place on the third Sunday of the month, from 1:00-2:00 PM.

Baptism class is required of new parents and parents who have not baptized a child in the last three years. The class is held monthly on the second Tuesday at 6:00 PM in Room 226, the upstairs conference room by the Parish Office.

To schedule an infant Baptism, please contact Mellan Hansen or submit the form below.

Baptism Class Registration

Parents are required to attend a class, held on the Tuesday before the baptism. Classes are at 6:00 PM in Room 226, the upstairs conference room by the Parish Office.

  • Parent Information

    If you are not a registered member of St. Patrick-St. Anthony Parish, please provide a letter of good standing from your parish.
  • Child Information

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Baptism are held on the third Sunday of the month.
  • Godparent information