Migrant Ministry Update: 7-14-22
Last weekend, after Mass, we provided a taco dinner for the migrants. This was a wonderful time of fellowship, and the migrants were extremely grateful! Thank you to all of the volunteers who made this event possible!
So far, we’ve been able to serve 178 food boxes and 337 hygiene packs to our local migrants. Thank you for the abundance of donations! We’re currently in need of the following items: shampoo, toothpaste (for adults), deodorant (men’s and women’s), hand soap, and sanitary pads. Please drop off any donations to the “Migrant Ministry” collection bin.
The season is off to a wonderful start! Thank you to all of those who attended our meeting on June 23. This year, we’ve already distributed 30 food boxes and 61 hygiene packs. Please note, we’re still collecting non perishable food items and hygiene items. We’re currently in most need of: bars of soap, shampoo, and deodorant (men’s and women’s). Please place any donations in the “Migrant Ministry” drop box located by the West entrance.
Thank you for your contiunued support with prayers as well.