Volunteers Invited for Migrant Ministry
This summer, we will visit the Migrant Camps on Sunday afternoons and Wednesday nights. If you would like to participate, please attend our Volunteer Meeting on Wed., May 24, at 6:00 p.m. or contact Karen Levesque at karenl@stpatsgh.org or (616) 935-8741.
Many thanks to all of the volunteers who helped pack 800 welcome bags and more than 600 hygiene kits for our Migrant Ministry. We had 50+ people over two Saturdays, making fast work of the tasks. A special thank you to Jim & Marylou Marks for coordinating the inventory & preparation for both packing days!
Still collecting
This year, our migrant ministry team will be part of the Ottawa County Migrant Task Force. We are grateful for this opportunity, which allows us to meet more needs of the workers and their families. As part of this effort, we will help to deliver food boxes, welcome items, and hygiene kits for 800 men, women, and children.
To meet the needs of the workers and families, please consider donating the following items:
- Insect repellent (lotion)
- Sunscreen
You may drop off your donations in the Migrant Ministry box in the west entryway.
Thank you for your expression of gratitude in this giving.