Recently I realized I never mentioned that our tabernacle is being refinished. I shared this information at daily Mass but not on Sunday—I apologize for the oversight. I spoke with Michigan Church Supply last week, and they are progressing faster than expected, hoping to finish in a few weeks. Thanks to generous donors, the tabernacle will be like new, addressing oxidation, scratches, and a malfunctioning lock. It will truly be a worthy home for Jesus. The Marian monstrance is also being refinished, thanks to another parishioner. Unfortunately, this project is taking longer than planned, with no completion date yet. While both items may have “looked fine” from a distance, I believe we should give our best to the vessels that hold the Eucharist, the true presence of Jesus Christ.

This project is important because it reminds us that Jesus is our focal point. By giving Jesus the worship, reverence, and adoration that belong to Him, we invite His transformative power into our lives. As we acknowledge His true presence in the Eucharist, we experience more peace, more joy, and many of our anxieties begin to have less power over us. This also deepens our desire to share this “good news” with others, which is the heart of evangelization and discipleship.  

That being said, we have many other liturgical furnishings that are in need of refinishing, including ciboria, chalices, candlesticks, etc. I prefer to have these items refinished, rather than replaced, to honor the dedication and sacrifice of our ancestors who originally purchased these items for our liturgical worship. To address this reality, I am initiating a “Restore the Sacred” fund in the parish office. If you would like to help with these efforts, feel free to make a donation to that fund. I am compiling a list of the costs associated with each of these items. My best guess is that it will be around $30,000 to do everything that needs to be done.

My prayer is that St. Patrick – St. Anthony Parish becomes a beacon of hope in West Michigan, a true lighthouse drawing others to Christ. Just as a lighthouse guides ships by sending light out, we can only effectively make disciples if we are disciples ourselves, and then recognize that Jesus sends us. The apostles were powerful evangelizers because they were first transformed by Christ. Filled with the Holy Spirit, they carried the good news, inviting others to experience that same transformation. May we do the same, allowing ourselves to be filled with grace and then sent out in order to draw others in.

~ Fr. Dan Schumaker, 2/9/2025